How to Create a ‘Master’ Unlock.cfg file for a Computer Lab Environment


The following method creates a single authorization file containing the hardware codes for all authorized computers. This approach requires more upfront effort and should only be utilised in circumstances where Live will be regularly deleted and reinstalled on numerous computers, such as within a computer lab where machines are regularly reformatted. This method can is useful in that specific circumstance because the single master unlock file can be quickly copied back to Live’s Unlock folder after the reformatting process is complete. 

Note: As of Live 12.0.10, Unlock.cfg is named Unlock.json.

For the vast majority of multi-user circumstances where the Live application isn't regularly deleted, we strongly recommend instead following one of these simpler methods for multi-user authorization:


Master Unlock Method: 

  1. Install Live Live and authorize on the first computer.
  1. Navigate to Live's Unlock folder, which can be found at the following locations:

Windows: C:\Users\[Admin Username]\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live x.x.x\Unlock\


​macOS: MacintoshHD/Users/[Admin Username]/Library/Application Support/Ableton/Live x.x.x/Unlock/


These folders are hidden by default, here’s How to access hidden folders


  1. Copy the Unlock.cfg file there to a USB drive (or somewhere you can access it on the next machine, like a network drive).


  1. On the next computer, install and launch Live. This creates the Preferences and Unlock folders on this machine. 


  1. Paste the Unlock.cfg file you copied from the last machine into Live's Unlock folder on this machine: 


Windows: C:\Users\[Admin Username]\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live x.x.x\Unlock\


​macOS: MacintoshHD/Users/[Admin Username]/Library/Application Support/Ableton/Live x.x.x/Unlock/


These folders are hidden by default, here’s How to access hidden folders


  1. Authorize Live online. Then copy the (now updated with both hardware codes) Unlock.cfg file back to your USB drive to continue the process on the next machine. 


  1. At the end of the process, you will have a single Unlock.cfg file that contains the authorization information for all the authorized machines. In the event that you need to wipe the machines, reinstall and reauthorize Live, this file can be copied back to Live’s Unlock folder on each machine to reauthorize Live. 

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