Discontinued Ableton Packs

The following list contains all Live Packs that have been discontinued. These Packs are no longer sold or maintained. 

Discontinued Packs can still be accessed from the User account with which the Pack was purchased. If a discontinued Pack does not appear in the Packs section of your Ableton account, and you have a valid license for the Pack, you can contact Support to receive instructions and a download link.

Note: The discontinued Pack may work with future versions of Live but can’t be guaranteed

For more information concerning Packs in Live: 

    Designed by
    Analogue Techno Sample Magic
    APC-Step-Sequencer Mark Egloff
    Classic Synths Katsuhiro Chiba
    Future Beat Sample Magic
    Future R&B Sample Magic
    Granulator Robert Henke (Monolake)
    Gratis Hits Max for Cats
    Hip Hop Drums The Loop Loft
    Instant Haus Alexkid
    Kapture Richie Hawtin (Plastikman) & Liine
    Kasio Oli Larkin
    Loopmasters Mixtape Loopmasters
    Magic Racks Sample Magic
    Max 7 Pitch and Time Machines Cycling '74
    Max for Live Big Three Cycling '74
    Max for Live Essentials Ableton
    Omar Hakim Drums The Loop Loft
    Pitch Drop Mormo
    Polytek Sonic Faction
    Probability Pack Sonic Faction
    Radio Slave for Live Sample Magic
    Retro Synths Puremagnetik
    Riemann Tech-House Kollektion Sample Magic
    RokVid Adam Rokhsar
    sbx 2049 Skinnerbox
    Schwarzonator II Henrik Schwarz
    Session Drums Multimic Ableton
    Studio Grand West Village e-instruments
    Vinyl Classics Zero G

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