Live Pack FAQ

  • Live Versions: All
  • Operating System: All

What are Live Packs?

Live Packs contain Live Sets, samples, Clips, and presets made specifically for use in Live.

How do I install Live Packs?

Please see our article: Installing Live Packs

Do I need a Pack serial? 

Each Live Pack requires an individual serial that will be added to your account upon purchase. Some Live packs may be included in your version of Live.

Log in to your User Account to see a list of any Packs included in your specific license, and any that you have previously purchased separately.

Additional Packs can be purchased or downloaded from the Packs section on the Ableton website

Can I buy any Pack?

Once you are logged into your account, additional Live Packs that are compatible with your Live license will be displayed and available to purchase.

  1. For Packs containing Max for Live devices, a Max for Live license is required.
  2. Packs containing Live Suite devices will have limited editing for users who do not have a Suite license. In such cases, only a set of 8 Effect Rack Macros will be controllable, and the instrument within will not be accessible. 
  3. Live Lite has further limitations and it is generally advisable to be cautious when purchasing Packs. We would recommend upgrading to a full license.   

Once installed, do I need to authorize my new Pack?

In some cases,  re-authorizing Live is required to activate the Pack, for example, when you purchase a new Partner Pack. 

You can complete this step from Live's preferences → Licenses Maintenance → Authorize at If you are receiving the error, "This License belongs to another account" please see this article. 

How can I access sounds/presets?

Once each Pack is installed, it will be readily available to use from Live's Browser. The sounds can browsed in the Packs location, under Places, and from the respective sub-category under Categories.


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