Authorizing Packs bundled with Push

In addition to Live’s Core Library content, the following Packs are bundled with Push (standalone) and Push 3. To access Packs bundled with Push in Live on your computer, follow the steps here on How to re-authorize Live.

Expressive Choir by Spitfire Audio
String Quartet by Spitfire Audio
Brass Quartet by Spitfire Audio
Upright Piano by Spitfire Audio
Session Drums Club
Session Drums Studio
CV Tools Intro
Mood Reel
Drone Lab
Grand Piano

Beat Tools
Drum Essentials

Chop and Swing
Drive and Glow
Skitter and Step
Glitch and Wash
Punch and Tilt
Build and Drop

Packs bundled with Push may not be visible in your account immediately after ordering. Included Packs will be available for authorization once the Push has been dispatched from the warehouse. 

Authorizing Packs on Push (standalone)

Push (standalone) comes pre-installed with a selection of available content. To download and install the full range of bundled Packs, authorize Push using your preferred Live license. You will need a computer and internet connection.

  1. Log in to your user account at, and connect Push and your computer to the same network via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
  2. On Push, go to Settings > Software > Authorize.
  3. Type the entire link shown on Push (including http://) into your web browser, then enter the code shown on Push’s display.
  4.  If you have multiple licenses in your user account, select the Live license you wish to authorize on Push to in the dropdown menu during the authorization process.
  5. After authorizing, you can access all your licensed Packs on Push directly by pressing the Add (+) button and navigating to Packs > Available Packs.

To access newly licensed packs in Live on your computer, re-authorize Live by navigating to Live > Preferences > Licenses / Maintenance.

Learn more about Packs on Push (standalone).

Authorizing Packs bundled with Push 3

To access newly licensed packs in Live on your computer, re-authorize Live by navigating to Live > Preferences > Licenses / Maintenance. After ordering Push, bundled Packs will be available for authorization in your account once the Push has been dispatched from the warehouse. 



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