Push 3 Battery

Push 3 (standalone) contains a battery that enables use while not plugged into power. Expected battery life when fully charged is two hours. In some cases, the battery requires special handling. See this guide for FAQs, tips, and troubleshooting Push 3 battery. 

Transportation Mode

Push 3 (standalone) battery remains in "Transportation Mode" during shipping. To activate the battery before turning Push on, connect the power supply. 

Note: The battery may switch back to "Transportation Mode" when the device is not used for several weeks.

Push 3 Return Battery Handling

When returning Push 3 (standalone), special handling instructions apply. See the instructions below for:

Returning defective Push 3 (battery included)

Returning Push 3 with defective battery (battery removal)

Returning Push 3 (battery included)

*not applicable in Japan

When returning Push 3 for hardware issues not related to the battery itself, the battery should not be removed before return. First, be sure you have already contacted our Support team and confirmed the eligibility for return. Then, follow the steps below:

  • Save and transfer all projects and content created on Push 3 to another device before returning. Learn more about transferring sets and continuity between Push and your computer in the Push manual. 
  • Reduce the battery level to between 5% and 30%. To see battery level, press Setup > Status.
  • Follow the steps here on how to reset Push 3.
  • Push must be returned in new condition and include all original parts and packaging.

An additional label must be printed and included with your return.

  • Our Support team will provide the shipping label and warning label for download.
  • Print the warning label in color and add it to the outside of the outermost box. 

Do not return Push or any parts without first contacting Ableton Support.

Note: in Japan, the above instructions for handling and labeling do not apply. Instead, write the following on the delivery slip:

  • 電子楽器 (electronic music instrument)

Returning Push 3 with Defective Battery (Battery Removal)

*including Japan

If Push battery is confirmed defective after contacting Support, follow the instructions below:

  • Back up your sets 
    • Make sure to save and transfer all projects and content created on Push 3 to another device before returning. Learn more about continuity between Push and your computer in the Push manual. 
  • Please contact support for instructions before removing the battery.

Once the battery is successfully removed from the unit: 

  • Reset Push
  • Follow instructions for your area on how to safely dispose of goods containing lithium.
  • Push must be returned in new condition and include all original parts and packaging except for the battery.

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