Note Compatibility

  • Live Version: 11.2.5 and later
  • Operating System: All

Note Compatibility

Note is an iOS application compatible with all iOS devices running iOS 15 or higher. 

Note Sets can be opened in Ableton Live and are supported in Live Version 11.2.5 and later. To install the latest version of Live for compatibility with Note and Cloud, follow this guide: How to update Live.

All Live editions, including Lite, Intro, Standard, and Suite, and all licenses, including Trial and Education, are compatible with Note Sets. Sets created or saved in Live cannot be opened in Note.

Ableton Cloud is an optional service for syncing Note Sets between devices. Setting Up Ableton Cloud requires that you create an Ableton user account at, or log in to your existing Ableton account. 

For information on the supported computer specifications for using Ableton Live see the Live Minimum System Requirements.


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