Resetting Live's Library

  • Live Versions: All
  • Operating System: All

Saving custom folders into Live's Browser can be a useful way to quickly access files that exist in various locations on your computer.  However, referencing large folders (or entire drives) in Places can put a heavy load on Live's file indexer.  Resetting Live's Library is a fast way to remove all of these folders at once, thus reducing the strain on Live's file indexer.

Resetting Live's Library does the following:

  • The User Library & Factory Packs folders are re-directed to their default locations:
    • Mac
      • Macintosh HD/Users/[Username]/Music/Ableton/User Library
      • Macintosh HD/Users/[Username]/Music/Ableton/Factory Packs
    • Win
      • C:\Users\[Username]\Documents\Ableton\User Library
      • C:\Users\[Username]\Documents\Ableton\Factory Packs
  • Folders saved in Live's Browser under Places are removed (the folders/content are not deleted from your hard drive).
  • Collections labels are renamed to their default values (tagged items are not deleted. Once a Collection color is re-enabled, any previously tagged items show up again).


  • Resetting the Library.cfg file doesn't affect Live's Core Library.
  • In many situations, it can often help to Reset the Live Database as well.
  • Rather than deleting, you can instead move the Library.cfg file to another location (e.g. Desktop). If the reset doesn't help, then you can move it back afterwards.


  1. Close Live.
  2. Open this hidden folder:
    Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live x.x.x/
  3. Delete Library.cfg.
  4. Launch Live.


    1. Close Live.
    2. Open this hidden folder:
      Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live x.x.x\Preferences\
    3. Delete Library.cfg.
    4. Launch Live.

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