Clips out of tune due to pitch bend automation

  • Live Versions: All
  • Operating System: All

As of Live 11.1, the "MIDI Envelope Auto-Reset" has been added to the Options menu: 

  • When enabled, certain MIDI control message types that are not automated for a given clip will automatically reset at the start of a new clip. 

  • Note: for users who intentionally work opposite to this behavior, enabling this change will make corresponding Live Sets behave differently. 

  • In Live 11.1 and above, "MIDI Envelope Auto-Reset" is enabled by default for new Sets, and disabled by default in older Sets.


A MIDI clip may play out of tune if it has been triggered after another MIDI clip which contains pitch bend automation that doesn't end at "0".


To fix this, insert an automation breakpoint for the pitch bend at the beginning of the next MIDI clip to reset the Pitch Bend to its default value.


You can also set the automation breakpoint to "0" at the end of the MIDI Clip where the Pitch Bend automation has been recorded. However, this will be less effective, since it will only work if the clip is played until its very end.

Sustain (Hold) and other MIDI Ctrl envelopes

The same issue can also happen with any other MIDI Ctrl envelope. You'll similarly need to insert a breakpoint at 0 in the affected CC envelope if you are experiencing unwanted effects.


Alternatively, you can enable the "MIDI Envelope Auto-Reset" Options menu setting. Certain MIDI control message types that are not automated for a given clip will automatically reset at the start of a new clip. 

Faulty Pitch Bend controllers

If there is no pitch bend automation in your MIDI clips, then it could be that a connected MIDI controller is sending unwanted pitch bend data. To troubleshoot, disconnect all MIDI controllers and test to see if the issue is still present.

You can also use a MIDI monitor while the controller is connected to see what data is being sent from it. Max for Live has an included MIDI monitor (part of the Max for Live essentials), or you can use one of these third-party solutions:

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