Authorizing Live on a new computer

  • Live Versions: All
  • Operating System: Windows, Mac

Each Live license comes with two authorizations (unlocks), which can be used on two machines by the registered owner. 

Installing and authorizing Live onto a new computer can be done by following these steps:

  1. Login: Log in to your account on your default internet browser (we recommend Chrome or Firefox), make sure you sign in with the email where your license is registered.
  2. Download: The latest version of Live will always be displayed in your account to download.
  3. Install: Follow the installation steps.
  4. Authorize: After the installation is complete, Live will guide you through the online authorization process.
  5. Unlocks: Installing onto a new computer will use an unlock from your license. If you receive an error saying you are out of unlocks, you can request more.
  6. Transfer Live Sets: Transfer Live Projects from one computer to another as needed.
  7. User Library: You may want to copy/move your own presets, patches, instrument or effect racks, samples etc. If you saved them in the User Library, you can simply copy the entire User Library folder, found in this default location.

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