Saving and exporting are deactivated
- Live Versions: All
- Operating System: All
If you create a Set using Suite-only features and then open it in Live Lite, Intro or Standard, the Set will open in Demo Mode with saving and exporting deactivated.
Note: Live Suite is also installed when using the free trial or the public beta.
To save and export the Set:
- Remove the Suite-only devices from the Set
- In order to do so, make sure to also check all Instrument/Drum/Effect Racks used in the set
- Re-authorize Live from Preferences > Licenses/Maintenance > Authorize at
You can also Freeze and Flatten the tracks that use Suite-only devices to keep the audio:
- Select the tracks you want to keep, right-click on them and select Freeze Track
- Select the frozen tracks again, right-click and select Flatten
- The tracks are now rendered to audio and the Suite devices removed
- Go to Preferences > Licenses/Maintenance > Authorize at
Once Live is re-authorized you will be able to save and export normally.
Note: Live Lite and Intro have limited scenes and tracks, so you'll also need to delete any extra if the Set exceeds the maximum amount.