"Live cannot access the undo history file and is switching to a memory based undo"

The following message is an indication that Live cannot write the undo file due to two instances of the same version of Live being open simultaneously:

"Live cannot access the undo history file and is switching to a memory based undo"


In addition to this message, as of Live 12.1, the following warning message will appear to inform of the possible loss of data:


To resolve this message, first restart your computer. If the message reappears after the restart, follow the instructions provided below to troubleshoot further.

  1. Close Live
  2. Locate the files Undo.cfg (Live 8 and earlier: Undo folder) and Preferences.cfg, and move these to the trash.

To find these files, navigate to the following hidden folders. Here's how to access hidden folders.


\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live x.x.x\Preferences\


/Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live x.x.x/

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