Troubleshooting ADAT and audio on Push 3 (Windows)
On Windows computers, the audio driver for Push 3 is not automatically updated. Outdated versions of the driver may cause issues with using ADAT, or other audio issues.
To troubleshoot, here are the steps to update the Push 3 Windows audio driver:
Push 3
- Update Live to the latest version.
- Connect Push to your computer, and open Live to automatically update the unit's firmware.
- Log into your Ableton account to download and install the latest version of the Push 3 Windows audio driver, found here: Download Archive > Push > Push 3 Windows Audio Driver.
Push 3 (standalone)
- Update Push 3's software, following the guide to Setting Up Push 3 (standalone).
- Log into your Ableton account online, and download and install the latest version of the Push 3 Windows audio driver, found here: Download Archive > Push > Push 3 Windows Audio Driver.
For more information on using ADAT, see the Push 3 Manual section 3.2.3 Connecting ADAT.