Troubleshooting ADAT and audio on Push 3 (Windows)

On Windows computers, the audio driver for Push 3 is not automatically updated. Outdated versions of the driver may cause issues with using ADAT, or other audio issues.

To troubleshoot, here are the steps to update the Push 3 Windows audio driver:

Push 3

  1. Update Live to the latest version.
  2. Connect Push to your computer, and open Live to automatically update the unit's firmware.
  3. Log into your Ableton account to download and install the latest version of the Push 3 Windows audio driver, found here: Download Archive > Push > Push 3 Windows Audio Driver.


Push 3 (standalone)

  1. Update Push 3's software, following the guide to Setting Up Push 3 (standalone).
  2. Log into your Ableton account online, and download and install the latest version of the Push 3 Windows audio driver, found here: Download Archive > Push > Push 3 Windows Audio Driver.


For more information on using ADAT, see the Push 3 Manual section 3.2.3 Connecting ADAT.


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