What’s New in Live 11
What's new in Live 11.3
Visit this page for complete Live 11.3 release notes.
Live 11.3’s many new features and improvements include:
- Support for Push 3
- Drift, a new compact subtractive synthesizer instrument available in all editions of Live
- New presets and Racks featuring MPE
- MPE support for devices including Analog, Collision, Electric, Tension, and Note Echo
- Improvements to MPE Control and Expression Control
- MPE display for incoming MPE data in the MIDI Monitor device
- Improvements to Live’s Auto-Warp feature, including upgraded tempo detection and downbeat detection.
- Help menu's "Help View" is now called "Built-In Lessons"
- Drivers for Push 3
Note for Windows users: To install Push 3 drivers, install the current version of Live manually from your Ableton account. If Live 11.3.x is installed via auto-update, the Push 3 drivers may not be installed.
What's new in Live 11.2
Updated Reverb Device
Updates to Live’s Reverb device include a modernized user interface, improved usability, and subtle sound improvements.
For more details on updates to Reverb, visit Live 11.2 Release Notes.
Support for AUv3 (macOS only)
Audio Units is the macOS standard format for third-party effects and instruments. Audio Units Version 2 (AUv2) was the standard on Intel-based Macs, and this format is still supported on Silicon processors.
AUv3 introduces the ability to use plug-ins developed for iOS on computers running macOS 10.15 and later.
- To enable AUv3 plug-ins, select this option in Live > Preferences > Plug-Ins
- Before testing an AUv3 format device in Live, launch the app as a standalone, to ensure that it initializes correctly.
- MIDI effects are not available in Live for AUv2 or AUv3 plugins.
For more information, see: