Using Note Presets in Live

  • Live Versions: 11.2.5 and later 
  • Operating System: all

Note offers a unique set of expressive and flexible device and effect presets, which can be saved for use in Live. It is not currently possible to transfer presets from Live to Note. For more about Note presets, visit the Note manual. 

To use Note presets in Live:

  1. Share a Note Set to Live, using either Ableton Cloud or “Share to...” from Note.
  2. From the Cloud label in Live’s browser, open a Note Set, and double-click on a Track header to open Device View.
  3. Use the Save Preset button to add the device to your User Library.


  1. The saved Note preset will now be accessible from Live's Browser > User Library. 

Note: Certain instruments used in Note presets, such as the Ableton Wavetable synth, are available in Live Suite or purchasable as Packs. In Live Lite, Intro, or Standard, a preset containing a Suite-only device will function as a “locked” rack. This means any device controls shown in Note will be modifiable in Live, but the full device view and parameters of the Suite-only device will not appear.

  • Wavetable device saved from Note Preset in Live Standard


  • Wavetable device saved from Note Preset in Live Suite


For more information about Device View and Presets in Live, visit the Live Manual: Working with Instruments and Effects.


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