Multi-seat licenses

A multi-seat license is a singular, umbrella license that contains multiple authorizations, called seats.

  • Each individual seat is equivalent to licensing for a single computer.
  • For example, a 10-seat license allows Live to be installed and authorized on up to 10 machines at once.

Note that this license type is intended for use on classroom computers such as a computer lab, and is not for use on privately owned student machines.

Account Registration

A multi-seat license is registered to a single user account. The email address used to register the license should be an organizational address, accessible by more than one person in case the primary contact changes, such as This account should be accessible to the team or person responsible for installing and maintaining Live on your organization’s computers.

For more information on how many seats are included in your organization's multi-seat license, please get in touch with your teacher and/or IT administrator.


To request a multi-seat license pricing quote from our education team for your college or university, please visit the Ableton for Colleges and Universities Webpage.

Ableton for the Classroom

For information on multi-seat licenses from our Ableton for the Classroom program for K-12 schools, please visit the Ableton for the Classroom webpage.

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