Tempo Following in Live 11 FAQ

  • Live Version: 11
  • Operating System: All

What is Tempo Following?

With Tempo Following, Live adjusts the Project tempo in real-time to match the tempo of an incoming audio signal. Live will follow any fluctuating tempo changes from musicians or any other rhythmic sounds. You can use Tempo Following by activating the Tempo Follower.

How do I activate Tempo Following?

  • Open Live’s Preferences under Link/Tempo/MIDI > Tempo Follower and set the appropriate audio inputs for the incoming audio source. You will see the green volume indicator next to the input. Make sure to set Show Tempo Follower Toggle to Show.  
  • Activate the Tempo Follower button.
  • Live will now continuously adapt the project tempo to the incoming audio signal.


Why can’t I see the Tempo Follower button?

If you don’t see the Tempo Follower button, you can activate it by setting the Show Tempo Follower Toggle option in Live’s Preferences under Link/Tempo/MIDI > Tempo Follower.

Why is Live not following the tempo?

Make sure to set the correct audio inputs in Live’s Preferences under Link/Tempo/MIDI > Tempo Follower.

Note: If the incoming audio signal does not contain a clearly defined rhythmic structure, Live cannot analyze the correct tempo. Tempo Following is best suited for percussive elements or entire tracks. 

Why is the BPM meter constantly jumping when I record my guitar?

Live is constantly adapting to the tempo you are playing and does not lock into a specific tempo until you deactivate the Tempo Follower.

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