Comping in Live FAQ

Comping in Ableton Live is an audio and MIDI recording technique that allows you to record multiple performances on the same Track, then edit your favorite moments from each performance into a main composite take. Comping is included in Live as of Live 11. Learn more in the Live Manual. 

How do I show Take Lanes?
Take Lanes are hidden by default. You can activate them in Arrangement View by right-clicking on a Track header and choosing Show Take Lanes, or use the following keyboard shortcut to show or hide Take Lanes:

  • Mac: [CMD + Option + U]
  • Windows: [Ctrl + Alt + U]

Note: Take Lanes do not appear when Live is in Automation Mode.  Switch off Automation Mode to view Take Lanes.

Can I insert or edit a Take Lane?
Take lanes can be renamed, reordered, deleted, or added. Right-click on the Take Lane header to view context menu options. To add a Take Lane, choose
Insert Take Lane from Live's Create menu, or use the keyboard shortcut to create a new Take Lane:

  • Mac: [Shift + Option + T]
  • Windows:  [Shift + Alt + T]

How do I change the selections in the main composite take?
To include a region from a Take Lane in the composite, simply select it in the relevant Take Lane using draw mode. To cycle your time selection through all Take Lanes in order, use the keyboard shortcut:

  • Mac: [CMD + Arrow Up/Down] 
  • Windows: [Ctrl + Arrow Up/Down] 

Why can’t I click a certain section of a take in draw mode?
Make sure there is no empty space between two sections in the main take.

How can I update the MIDI notes in a clip in the composite take?
To update a MIDI clip in the main take, select the edited clip and press Enter.


How can I use comping creatively?
Comping allows you to use your samples and loops in creative ways. Here are some ideas to get started: 

Groove extraction from a final comping take:

  • Consolidate the final take to one audio file
  • Right-click Extract Groove
  • Add the new Groove to any other clip

Use MIDI notes from a final comping take

  • Consolidate the final take to one audio file
  • Right-click Convert Harmony/Melody/Drums to New MIDI Track
  • Insert a synth or sampler to play the new MIDI notes 

Manually add samples or loops

  • Create a few empty track lanes
  • Drag some samples or loops on the lanes and create new variations
  • Samples can be edited the same way as audio tracks (nudge, split, duplicate, etc)

Can I use Comping in my edition of Live?

  • Comping is available in Live Intro, Standard, and Suite.
  • Linked-track editing is available in Live Standard and Suite.

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