Max for Live learning resources
- Live Versions: All
- Operation System: All
Max for Live is a visual programming environment that allows users to build instruments and effects for use within Ableton Live. It comes bundled with Live Suite and is available as an optional add-on for Live Standard. Here we've gathered some tutorials and learning resources for Max for Live.
Knowledge Base articles
- Max for Live specific objects
- Processing video with Jitter in Max for Live
- Controlling Live using Max for Live
Built in lessons
Access the Max for Live built-in lessons by clicking on the Help menu > Help View.
Cycling '74 Video Tutorials
Watch this set of video tutorials by Cycling '74.
Episode #1: Max for Live decoding
Episode #2: Degrade
Episode #3: Simple Delay
Episode #4: SVF
The complete playlist for the Max for Live programming lessons can be found on the Cycling '74 Youtube channel.
Further tutorials
- Check out all the featured videos about Max for Live at
- These guidelines explain what needs to be considered when sharing Max for Live devices
- Cycling '74 offers a Tutorial on Best Practices for Max for Live users who are interested in creating their own devices.
- Learn how to implement Side Chain with any Ableton Device with the help of Max for Live, powered by Dubspot.
- Another video tutorial from Dubspot describes an interesting device created by David Linnebank: Spectral Shaper.
- Find out how to extend the automation possibilities with Max for Live, powered by
- Another article from containing lots of video tutorials regarding how to get started with Max for Live in order to create your own devices.
- Learn the basics of Max for Live watching this tutorial on how to build a MIDI arpeggiator.
- Max Cookbook offers more advanced tutorials and examples in Max and Max for Live.
Third party Max for Live devices
- Download the Max for Live devices created by Robert Henke.
- Browse through devices created by Max for Live users.
- For more Max objects and devices, explore the Max object database.
- Find more third party Max for Live devices browsing this Cycling '74 resource.
Max for Live Forum
Share your knowledge and discuss ideas on the dedicated Max for Live forum.