"Available Packs" missing or "Could not retrieve list"

  • Live Versions: All
  • Operating System: All

"Available Packs" is missing

You might encounter that the option Available Packs is not displayed despite being selected in Live's Preferences:


This might be happening in case your username contains other characters instead of English, for example Cyrillic characters such as

C: \ User \ Админ 

instead of

C: \ User \ Admin \ ....

You can therefore solve the problem by creating a new user profile (Windows or Mac) and changing the administrator name to consist of English characters.

"Could not retrieve list"

If the Available Packs section in Live's browser displays the error Could not retrieve list, you need to re-authorize Live.


Here is how to solve this problem:

1. Open Live's Preferences.
2. Go to Licenses Maintenance.
3. Click Authorize at ableton.com.

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