Using Collections

In Ableton Live, you can use Collections to organize presets, samples, Sets, files, and other content, by assigning up to seven color-coded sections in Live's Browser. This guide shows you how to do the following tasks using Collections:

Live 12 offers significantly more flexibility beyond the limitations of seven Collections. You can create as many different custom tags as you need to effectively categorize and easily access your content. Learn more about Browser and Tags in Live 12.

Adding an item to Collections

Right-click on the item in the Browser, then choose which Collection to save the item to from the context menu:


You can also drag an item directly into a Collection, or press the Collection number when an item is selected.

Renaming a Collection label

Right-click on a label or folder name to rename it.


Hiding Collections

Hover to the right of Collections and click Edit to show or hide Collection labels:Screenshot_Collections_Rename_1.png


Syncing Collections and Live 12 tags between computers

Collection tags are created for anything that has been saved to Collections from Live's Browser or from an external folder in Places.

Live 12 creates and stores .xmp files for Core Library content, Factory Pack content, Collections, Devices, and Plug-ins in the User Library>Ableton Folder Info>12 folder:


Live 11 creates and stores Collection tags as .xmp files for Core Library content, Factory Pack content, Collections, Devices, and Plug-ins in the User Library > Ableton Folder Info subfolder.:


Live 11 and 12 both store .xmp files for samples added to Places not contained in the Core Library or Factory Packs within the Ableton Folder info inside of the folder containing the sample.


Collection Labels are stored in the Ableton system Preferences folder > Library.cfg


You can transfer the Ableton Folder Info subfolder from the User Library and Library.cfg from one computer to another to move any saved Collections and Live 12 tags.

Note: When transferring sample tags from your Places made in Live 12, ensure the entire Samples folder including the Ableton Folder info, where the tags are stored for each individual sample folder are moved.

If your User Library is stored to a cloud-synced folder, your Collections should sync on all computers that use the same cloud set up. See our full guide on Cloud Storage Best Practices.

If your User Library is stored on an external drive, you should be able access Collections on any computer by setting your User Library location to the drive in Live's Preferences.

Note: As most plug-ins must be installed locally to system folders, they may not show up as tagged items on different computers even if they have been saved to Collections.

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