Push 2 certain files not displayed when browsing

  • Live Versions: All
  • Operating System: All

When browsing with Push, the options available to you in the browser are dependent on Push's current selection.

For example, if you have selected an Instrument, you will be shown a list of Instruments.

If you have chosen a blank audio track, you will be shown a list of audio effects.

Push offers three ways to browse and load devices: Browse, Add Track and Add Effect.

Browse either loads a new device (if the currently selected track is empty) or hot-swaps the currently selected device.

Add Track creates a new track and loads the new device onto it.

Add Effect adds the effect you have chosen to the right of the currently selected device. If there are no devices on a MIDI track, Add Effect will allow you to load an instrument. To load an effect to the left of a device, use Shift + Add Effect.

To load a MIDI Effect, you need to have an Instrument selected, you can then press Shift + Add to choose from a list of MIDI devices.

Push's browser is also dependent on file types. Here is a list of file types* that can be loaded directly from Push’s browser:

.amxd = Ableton Max for Live device (contains a Max for Live device which can be edited and modified with Max)

.adg = Ableton Device Group files (contains a preset for Instrument-, Drum-, MIDI- or Audio Effect Racks)

.adv = Ableton Device Preset (contains a preset for a Live device)

*It is also possible to load an Audio file of any (Live-supported) format via Push when hot-swapping a Drum Rack Pad.

If you have added folders to Places, please be aware that depending on the contained file types and the current selection of Push, folders might not contain anything that Push can load at that time. These folders will not appear in Push's browser.

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