Launch Scenes on two computers simultaneously

  • Live Versions: All
  • Operating System: All


There are multiple possible methods for launching scenes on two computers simultaneously. A recommended method that's achievable without extensive configurations involves sharing information over UDP networks. This can be done via Max for Live devices such as the Scene Forwarder. 

Alternatively, though a more involved method, it's also possible to achieve simultaneous scene launching through the use of dummy clips in Live.

Launching Scenes Simultaneously on two Computers via Dummy Clip

The term Host defines a computer or software that sets the tempo of a project as well as the transport functions such as Play and Stop, whereas Device defines a computer or software that is connected to the Host and in consequence is following the tempo and transport changes sent by the Host.

With Live on a Device computer running synced to Live on a Host computer, it is possible to launch Scenes on both machines simultaneously by using dummy clips.


First, a regular MIDI sync connection between the two computers needs to be configured. Please refer to the following article for more information on how to sync Live to another computer

Second, configure Live running on the sync Host computer: 

  • In the MIDI/Sync preferences, choose a dedicated MIDI Out port and enable Track, Sync and Remote. The related In port doesn't have to be enabled.
  • Create an empty MIDI track, this will serve as a dummy track.
  • Fill it with a number of empty clips matching the number of Scenes you want to trigger in the device computer.
  • In every dummy MIDI clip in that dummy MIDI track, enter a different MIDI note per clip at 1.1.1, noting what pitch the note is, as all pitches must be different. (In the example, the clips are renamed to the note they contain.)
  • Every dummy MIDI clip needs to have Loop turned OFF. (If Loop is turned ON it will keep re-triggering the Scene later.)
  • For every dummy MIDI clip, the Clip Launch Quantization needs to be set to "None".
  • The dummy MIDI track must have MIDI Input type ("MIDI From") set to "No Input".
  • The MIDI Output Type ("MIDI To") should be set to the specific MIDI Out port that was selected initially in the preferences to be feeding the second computer.
  • The MIDI Output Channel should be set to one that is exclusively used for this purpose and not being used by anything else. (In the example, it's channel 2.)


Third, configure Live running on the Device computer: 

  • In the MIDI/Sync preferences, choose the dedicated MIDI In port that receives the MIDI data from the Host computer and enable Track, Sync and Remote. The related Out port doesn't have to be enabled.
  • Enter MIDI Map Mode (cmd+m/ctrl+m).
  • Select the first Scene and fire the first clip in the dummy MIDI track of the Host computer. The Scene should now be mapped to the clip's MIDI note.
  • Repeat with all Scenes and clips respectively.
  • Leave MIDI Map Mode.

Now, as the dummy clips are triggered on the Host computer, the corresponding Scenes of the Device computer will be triggered too.


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