Using Live Clips (.alc files)

  • Live Versions: All
  • Operating System: All

Live Clips allow you to store individual audio or MIDI clips into a single file, along with their respective device chains and settings, which you can use in any of your Live Sets.

Saving Live Clips

To create a Live Clip, drag any audio or MIDI clip from an open Live set to Live's Browser and drop it into the Current Project, the User Library or any folder in Places. This creates a file with the extension .alc.

  • If you're saving a MIDI clip, this copies the MIDI pattern and the entire device chain of that track, along with all clip settings and automation.
  • If you're saving an audio clip, Live will manage the copying of the clip’s sample into this new location based on the selection in the Collect Files on Export chooser (Preferences → Library). As with MIDI clips, this saves the device chain, clip settings and any automation. 

Previewing Live Clips

In the Browser, select a Live Clip. Then you can either click on the "Click to Preview" field, or just hit the right arrow key on your computer keyboard.


Importing Live Clips

To import a clip, either double click it or drag it from the browser to a track in your set.

Importing a clip to a blank track

This action will create a new track (MIDI or Audio, depending on the Clip type) and will load the selected Clip into the first slot of this new track. Any devices present in the clip are loaded as well.

Importing a clip to a track with existing devices

If devices or effects are already present on the track, only the content of the Clip (MIDI notes for a MIDI clip, the sample and its settings for an Audio Clip) will be loaded: the track retains any currently loaded devices and effects.

Exporting MIDI Clips as MIDI files

If you are only interested in saving the MIDI content of a Clip as a standard MIDI file, instead of dragging the Clip onto the browser just right click on the MIDI Clip and choose "Export MIDI Clip..."


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