Uninstalling Live (Windows)

In some cases, you may want to completely uninstall all Ableton software and content, such as when transferring ownership of your computer. Here's how you can uninstall the Ableton Live application and all associated hidden files from your Windows computer, including Live Core Library and Ableton Packs.

Note: Do not save or copy any content, files, samples, or projects into Live's installation folder. These may be lost if you uninstall or update Live, or when Live updates automatically.

Step 1

Open Live's Preferences Library tab.

Check the following paths:

  • Location of User Library
  • Installation Folder for Packs


Note: While Live's Core Library content and Packs can be downloaded and reinstalled at any time, your User Library - which contains your own personal presets and files - cannot be restored once deleted, unless you have backed it up to another location. If you still want to use files from the User Library, create a backup before deleting.

Step 2

Uninstall Live from the Windows Control Panel. You can access this via
Start → Settings → Apps → Apps and Features 

Search for the relevant Live application and click the Uninstall button:


Step 3

Locate these hidden folders and delete them entirely:



Here's how to access hidden folders on Windows.

Step 4

Go to the Packs and User Library locations that you wrote down during Step 1.

  • If you plan to re-install Liveleave them where they are.
  • If you have no plans to use Ableton Live again, you can delete them.

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