Multi-core CPU handling FAQ
A multi-core CPU is a computer processor that has two or more sections. Each section of the chip executes instructions as if it was a separate computer. The actual processors are still on one chip. A dual-core processor is a multi-core processor with two independent microprocessors. A quad-core processor is a multi-core processor with four independent microprocessors.
Multi-core processors allow more efficient simultaneous processing of multiple tasks, making them more powerful than single-core processors. Virtually all modern systems have multi-core processors as standard. Learn more about Reducing the CPU load on macOS and Windows.
How do I enable multi-core support in Live?
A multi-core processor is required to run Live 10 and later, so this is enabled by default. Live 9 can run on single-core computers, but performance will be limited. In Live 9’s Preferences you can enable or disable multi-core support on the CPU tab.
What is a thread?
A thread is a sequence of instructions executed by a CPU core. A program can divide itself into several threads in order to be able to run on multiple cores. A thread in Live might typically constitute an audio clip playing, followed by an audio effect, then an output to the Master track.
What is multi-threading?
Multi-threading is the ability of an application or operating system to utilize multiple cores for processing. Live supports and uses multi-threading.
What is Hyper-threading?
Hyper-threading is a feature of certain processors which allows them to further subdivide cores so that two concurrent threads can be handled per core. Hyper-threading is enabled by default in Live for computers with multi-core processors. In Live 9, if your computer only has a single-core processor, hyper-threading is automatically disabled in order to preserve the correct order of the threads to be processed.
How many cores and threads of a multi-core processor can be utilized at once?
Live supports up to 64 cores for audio processing on Mac and Windows. Likewise, Live supports up to 64 processing threads for audio calculation.
How many threads are used per Live track?
Live uses one thread to process a signal path. A signal path is a single chain of audio flow. In tracks where instrument or effect racks are used, with multiple chains in parallel, Live may use one thread per chain depending on how CPU-intensive each chain may be. If two tracks are "chained" by routing, for instance by a side-chain routing, they are considered dependent tracks and count as one signal path. Any dependent set of tracks will use one thread each.
Why do I have high CPU load in a set with just one track?
Because Live uses one thread per signal path, a set with just one track could potentially result in high CPU load if the track contains, for instance, a CPU-intensive instrument followed by a large chain of CPU-intensive effects.
Which is more beneficial, a faster CPU speed or more cores?
Both are important. If your budget allows it we recommend getting the fastest processor and maximum amount of cores that you can afford. Below is an overview of the pros and cons of each:
More cores, slower clock speed |
Fewer cores, higher clock speed |