How to back up and share Move Sets

Move Sets have the file extension .ablbundle. The .ablbundle file type includes all the files needed to open your set in Ableton Live and Ableton Note, such as samples, clips, and presets. Learn more about Sets and Content on Move.

Move Sets can be transferred from Move to Note, from Move to Live, and from Note to Move (up to four tracks). It is currently not possible to transfer Live Sets from Live to Move or from Live to Note.

Set transfer options  
Move > Note ✔️
Move > Live ✔️
Note > Move (up to four tracks) ✔️
Live > Move
Live > Note


Follow the steps below for the following ways to back up and share Move Sets:

Backing Up Move Sets with Ableton Cloud
Backing up Move Sets with Ableton Cloud and Ableton Note
Backing up and sharing Move Sets with Move Manager and Note

Backing Up Move Sets with Ableton Cloud

You can upload up to eight Move Sets to Ableton Cloud for backup. Learn how to back up and restore your Move Sets from the Cloud in this guide: Using Move with Ableton Cloud.

Backing up Move Sets with Ableton Cloud and Ableton Note

To back up and easily restore more than eight Move Sets, you can use Ableton Cloud with Ableton Note:

  1. Start by uploading your Move Set to Ableton Cloud.
  2. Then, open Ableton Note on your iOS device.
  3. Make sure Ableton Cloud is enabled in Note:
    • To enable Ableton Cloud in Note, open the App Settings and tap on Ableton Cloud.
  4. Once the set shows in Note, duplicate and rename it to Name_of_Set-Date.
    E.g.: Groovy_Beats-21Nov2024.
  5. On Move, make the set local again:
    • Go to Set Overview, by pressing Shift + Step 1.
    • Then, press Shift + the Move Set you backed up
    • With Move's wheel, choose Make Local.
      The set will be removed from the Cloud, but will be stored on Move.MakeSetLocal.jpeg
  6. Repeat steps 1 - 5 to back up additional Move Sets.

To restore a backed-up set, upload it from Note to the Cloud. Once the Set is on Ableton Cloud, it will show in the Set Overview on Move when the Cloud is activated.

Backing up and sharing Move Sets with Move Manager and Note

You can also back up and share Move Sets using Move Manager and Note. To use this method, open Move Manager and download the desired Move Sets to your computer. To restore or share each backed-up Move Set using Note:

  1. Open the Set in Note on an iOS device. 
  2. Upload the Set from Note to Ableton Cloud.
  3. Once the Set is on Ableton Cloud, it will appear in the Set Overview on Move when the Cloud is activated.

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