Deploying Ableton Live for use with Sassafras

When using local authorization via Sassafras Keyserver, it’s possible to package and deploy Ableton Live to client machines using MDM without the need to manually configure Live on each machine. The steps outlined in this guide should help to reduce IT administration overhead and streamline the deployment process. 

Sassafras configuration
Deploying Ableton Live for use with Sassafras 
Live Packs (optional)

Sassafras configuration

  1. Install Sassafras KeyServer on your server and make sure it’s visible on the network to all client computers.
  2. Install KeyAccess Client (available in the Sassafras KeyClient package) on each client machine, and supply the IP address or DNS name of the KeyServer computer in the appropriate place during the client install. 
  3. Place the license file (ableton_xxx.lic) into the “KeyServer Data Folder” of your Sassafras KeyServer installation. This license file is available from Ableton Support upon request.
  4. Stop and then start the KeyServer service (a restart might not be enough).

Watch Sassafras installation setup tutorials.

Deploying Ableton Live for use with Sassafras 

Deploying Live with an MDM with the configuration for authorizing via Sassafras in place can be accomplished with a post-installation script configured to run with the deployment package. Direct downloads of post-installation scripts for macOS and Windows are available via this link:

- On macOS, use the script named Sassafras
- On Windows, use the script named Sassafras post-installation.bat

Using the post-installation scripts:

1. Open the post-installation script for your operating system and set the relevant values for EDITION and VERSION. (see “Configurable script options” below).

2. Check that everything looks correct in the deployment package, and configure the package to run the post-installation script as administrator after installation. The script will create a shared Preferences folder containing an Options.txt file with entries instructing Live to authorize via Sassafras, and to disable automatic updates. The script will also create a shared Live Packs folder, and on Windows it will copy the Live application shortcut to the Start Menu for all users. 

Configurable script options

Setting the correct Live edition (Windows only)

The EDITION value should be set to one of the following, according to your license:

  • Ableton Live 12 Suite
  • Ableton Live 12 Standard
  • Ableton Live 12 Intro

set EDITION=Ableton Live 12 Suite

Setting the correct Live version

You can find the Live version listed on your Ableton account page, in the splash window shown when you launch Live, or in Live by going to the Live menu > About Live.




set VERSION=12.0.20


If Live is not configured correctly at the end of the process, check that you’ve set the correct edition and version in the post-installation script.

Live Packs (optional)

Live Packs are quite large and should be installed only once on a machine, so that they can be shared by all users on that computer. The post-installation script will create a shared Packs folder that can be accessed by all users:

macOS MacintoshHD/Users/Shared/Ableton/Factory Packs/

Windows C:\Public\Documents\Ableton Live Packs

To use the shared Live Packs folder, open Live’s Preferences → Library and set the “Installation Folder for Packs” to the shared folder. Then, download and install your Live Packs. Each additional user can then set the “Installation Folder for Packs” to the folder you’ve created, and access the installed Packs


  • Auto-updates for Ableton Live. Auto-updates to Live are not compatible with the multi-user configuration, so the post-installation scripts include the Options.txt entry -_DisableAutoUpdates in order to disable automatic updates. Manual updates can be applied as needed by downloading the updated Live version from the administrator Account and deploying it to the client machines. The post-installation script is not necessary for deploying updates.
  • MSI Installer for Windows deployments. Ableton is currently unable to offer an MSI installer for Windows, due to the Live installer package exceeding the 2 GB MSI size limitation. The Windows installer is an executable inside of a zipped folder, also containing additional .cab files necessary for the installation.

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