Using Move with Ableton Cloud

Using Ableton Cloud, you can easily share and sync Sets created on Move with both Ableton Note and Ableton Live. 

Connecting Move to Ableton Cloud
Managing Sets with Ableton Cloud
Opening a Move Set from Cloud in Live
Removing Move Sets from Ableton Cloud
Troubleshooting and more information

Connecting Move to Ableton Cloud

To share Sets using Cloud, first make sure Cloud is enabled in Ableton Live. With Wi-Fi enabled on Move, you can then activate and authenticate Ableton Cloud. 

Note: Working on the same Set simultaneously on more than one device is not supported. When starting work on a Cloud Set on a different device, make sure the Set has fully synced to Cloud; you have the latest version of it on your device; and it's closed on the other device. Syncing large sets can take up to several minutes, depending on the available bandwidth.

For step-by-step instructions on how to connect Move with Cloud, visit the Move manual section Ableton Cloud.

To check Cloud status on Move:

  1. Press Shift + Step 2 to open the Setup menu.
  2. Scroll down to view Cloud status:

Connection tips:

  • If you see the message “Waiting for Cloud status” in Move Manager → Settings, open Ableton Live and check that Cloud is enabled.
  • If you’re not able to access Move Manager in your web browser, visit Troubleshooting Move Manager for step-by-step solutions.
  • If you’re not able to connect Move to Wi-Fi, visit Troubleshooting Move Network Connections.
  • Using the IP address method to connect to Move Manager ( will not allow Cloud to be authenticated. To share Sets via Ableton Cloud, use the URL http://move.local to access Move Manager. 

Managing Sets with Ableton Cloud

Move's Set Overview allows you to see and manage all your Sets. You can also upload, delete, or choose to keep Ableton Cloud Sets locally on Move. For detailed instructions on how to use Set Overview, visit the Move manual section Set Overview.

To open Set Overview, hold Shift and press Step 1 .

You’ll see an overview of all your Sets, with each Set represented as a lit LED pad. Move can hold up to 32 Sets.

Uploading a Move Set to Ableton Cloud

  1. From Set Overview, shift-press a Set’s pad to display options for that Set.
  2. Select Upload to Cloud.
  3. Move's display will show Uploading, then uploaded once complete. 

Note: If you shut down Move while uploading a Set to Cloud, Move may not automatically restart the upload the next time it’s turned on. You can manually restart the upload process from Move's Set Overview by following the steps above.

Cloud Sets on Move display a small cloud icon when selected:

Once Move Sets are added to Cloud, they can be instantly shared to another Cloud-enabled device, and any edits are updated on your Cloud-enabled devices once all syncing is complete. When you activate Cloud on Move, any of your Note Sets previously added to Cloud will be automatically downloaded to Move.

Transferring Note sets to Move using Ableton Cloud

When Cloud is enabled for both Move and your Note devices, Note Sets added to Cloud are automatically available on Move. 

Although Note Sets can have up to eight tracks, only tracks 1 - 4 can be edited and played back on Move. To view hidden tracks, open the Set in Note and move tracks 5 - 8 into positions 1 - 4. For how to re-order tracks in Note, visit the Note manual.

Samples recorded or directly imported into Note will play back within the Set on Move, but will not be available in Move's sample browser.  

Note: Sets greater than 50Mb might not reliably upload to Cloud.

Opening a Note Set from Cloud on Move

  1. In Note, connect to Ableton Cloud.
  2. Upload the Set to Cloud.
  3. Go to Set Overview on Move to access the Set.

Opening a Move Set from Cloud in Live 11.3 or later

  1. Update to the latest version of Live from your Ableton account.
  2. In Live, connect to Ableton Cloud.
  3. Under Places in Live’s Browser, click on Cloud to display Move projects.
  4. Open the folder for the desired Set and double-click the .abl file.

Removing Move Sets from Ableton Cloud

Move Sets can be removed from Cloud but kept locally on Move using either of the following two methods in Set Overview:

Method 1:

  1. Shift-press a Set’s pad to display options for that Set.
  2. Choose Make Local to remove the Set from your Cloud storage and from Note, but keep a copy on your Move.

Method 2:

  1. Hold the Delete button and press the Set’s pad.
  2. Press the pad a second time to remove the Set from Cloud.

Troubleshooting Ableton Cloud

If Move fails to finish uploading or downloading a Cloud Set, and you see the message “Cloud Error” on Move, you can press the wheel to retry the transfer. 

For more troubleshooting steps and info about Ableton Cloud, visit these guides:

Using Ableton Cloud on Move
Ableton Cloud FAQ
How to Disable Ableton Cloud
Ableton Cloud Upload Times

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