Accessibility in Ableton Live FAQ

This guide answers frequently asked questions about accessibility in Ableton Live. For in-depth information on accessibility and features in Live, visit the Live Manual and the dedicated article Accessibility in Live Overview.

Which screen reader should I use?
Any screen reader software should work. We currently test with VoiceOver on macOS, and we test with NVDA, Narrator, and JAWS on Windows.

Is accessibility support the same on macOS and Windows?
While keyboard shortcuts may differ, the features accessible to screen readers are the same on macOS and Windows. The screen reader you choose will influence the experience of using Live. 

Where can I find a complete list of keyboard shortcuts in Live?
For new shortcuts in Live 12, visit New Keyboard Shortcuts in Live 12. A list of keyboard shortcuts in Live is available in the Live Manual section, Keyboard Shortcuts. 

Are devices inside Live accessible?
Most devices inside Live work with screen readers. There are features of some devices that haven’t been optimized to work with screen readers, such as the modulation matrix in Wavetable, and advanced parameters in Operator.

What other features support accessibility?
In addition to screen reader support, Live now offers:

  • Themes with high-contrast variants
  • Settings in Live > Options > Accessibility, such as "Speak Menu Commands" and "Speak Minimum and Maximum Slider Values”

What parts of the Live user interface are not accessible?
The following features do not currently support use with screen readers:
- Browser tagging
- Editing automation
- Modulation in Clip View
- Max for Live
- Some third-party plug-ins

Is Max for Live accessible?
Some aspects of Live are not yet optimized for use with screen readers, including Max for Live. For more information on accessibility in Max/MSP, please contact Cycling 74 Support. 

Are other Ableton products accessible?
Ableton Note is also accessible with a screen reader using VoiceOver on iOS.

How can I submit feedback on accessibility in Live?
To submit accessibility-related feedback, or if you are interested in helping us test new features, email


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