Live Beta FAQ
Beta signup and account questions
Using Beta versions
Providing feedback on Beta versions
Note: Ableton Support cannot expedite or respond to requests to join the beta program. Technical support and troubleshooting are offered for current, released versions of Live only. To report bugs or suggest improvements in Live Beta, post feedback in Centercode.
Beta signup and account questions
What is the Live Beta?
Live Beta is a version of Ableton Live that allows users to test upcoming changes and report outstanding issues. During the active beta testing period, developers analyze feedback submitted via Centercode and work on implementing suggestions prior to release.
Which versions of Live are in beta release?
Live 12 and Live 11 have active beta programs. Live 11 and 12 for Push 3 (standalone) beta versions are also available in the Ableton Hardware Project in Centercode.
How do I sign up for the Live Beta program?
You can sign up via our Beta Test Community in Centercode. Owners of Live 12 can join the Live 12 bugfix beta. Owners of Live 11 can join the Live 11 bugfix beta. To learn more, visit the Ableton Beta Program website.
Why can't I authorize Live Beta after downloading?
If you do not own a license for Live Standard or Live Suite, you will not be able to authorize Live Beta, even if you have downloaded it. Log in at to see the licenses in your account.
When can I start testing the public beta version?
When you sign up on Centercode, you'll either receive an invitation or be added to a waiting list for the current beta testing program. To ensure a steady influx of new testers, invitations to the beta program are granted gradually, and we’ll notify you by email as soon as you have access.
Why can't I log in to Centercode?
The Centercode testing platform is separate from If you don’t already have a Centercode account, please create one to access Live Beta programs.
I can't remember my password for Centercode, what do I do now?
Please use the Lost My Password link on the Centercode log-in page. Ableton Support cannot reset or access your Centercode password.
How do I opt out of the Live Beta?
In Centercode, on the Community level, click the drop-down beside your name on the top right, then select Opt out of community. You can also leave specific beta projects, but keep your Centercode account, from within the relevant project.
Using Beta versions
Where do I download the Live Beta installer?
The installer can be downloaded from the relevant Centercode Project. From the Main Project dropdown menu, navigate to the Beta Releases tab.
Note: Live Beta versions cannot be downloaded from your Ableton user account.
What are the minimum system requirements for Live Beta?
The system requirements for each Live version are listed here: Live Minimum System Requirements. System requirements for Live Beta are the same as those for the equivalent version of Live.
Can I use the beta version for my current projects?
Beta versions have not been tested as thoroughly as official releases. You may use Live Beta for your current projects at your discretion, to test new features and bug fixes. However, we cannot offer troubleshooting or technical support for beta versions. Please report bugs and submit feedback exclusively via Centercode. Depending on your license, Live Beta may come with feature limitations.
Are beta versions stable?
Beta versions contain bug fixes and other improvements, but they have not been tested as thoroughly as official releases. If you do critical studio or performance work, we recommend using the latest release version of Live.
Is my data collected when I use the Live Beta?
Usage data collection and automatic updates are always enabled in Live Beta.
Will I be able to use Live Sets created with Live Beta in earlier Live versions?
Live Sets created with Live Beta cannot be opened in any earlier Live version.
Can I install Live release versions and Live Beta on the same computer?
Live Beta is installed separately from the release versions of Live. You can install both on the same computer.
Providing feedback on Beta versions
Where do I report bugs found in Beta versions?
Please report bugs in the Bug Submission channel of the relevant Centercode Project.
Note: Ableton Support and Ableton Forums do not collect bugs or provide troubleshooting for beta versions. For support when testing Live Beta, use Centercode.
Where do I submit feature suggestions for Live?
If you have suggestions for improvements to Ableton products, visit the Suggestions Submission channel of the relevant Centercode Project.
Where can I further discuss the Live Beta?
To post questions about the Live Beta and participate in discussions about features, visit the public forums within the relevant Centercode Project.
Note: Ableton Support and Ableton Forums do not collect bug reports or provide troubleshooting for beta versions. For support when testing the Live Beta, use Centercode.