Setting up ASIO4ALL (Windows)

  • Live Versions: All
  • Operating System: Windows

ASIO4ALL is a freeware universal audio driver for Windows which supports ASIO.

If your audio interface already has a native ASIO driver, we recommend to use that. However, if your interface does not come with a native ASIO driver, or if you are experiencing issues using the current driver then you can use ASIO4ALL instead.

To set up ASIO4ALL, take these steps:

  1. Download and install the latest version of ASIO4ALL.
  2. Launch Live and open Live's Preferences --> Audio.
  3. Choose ASIO as the Driver Type and ASIO4ALL v2 as the Audio Device:
  4. Click on Hardware Setup. The ASIO4ALL window will pop up.
  5. On the left-hand side, click on the ​"+" to the left of your audio interface, then enable the inputs and outputs by clicking on the "power button" next to them.
  6. On that screen you can adjust the audio buffer size using the sliding bar at the bottom of the window.

Note:  If you are using a Focusrite interface from the Scarlett Range, we suggest uninstalling ASIO4ALL since it seems to conflict with Focusrite's proprietary driver.

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